GSA One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services Plus (OASIS+)
OASIS+ is a suite of governmentwide, multi-award contracts designed to support federal agencies’ procurement requirements for services-based solutions. This suite of services contracts is available for use by agencies throughout the Federal Government, including the Department of Defense (DoD) and Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs). Flexible, expandable Domain-based structure for the next generation of professional services solutions, that will be flexible enough to meet federal customers’ increasingly complex requirements.
Global access to all contract types for commercial and non-commercial services acquisitions, including a hybrid of the two.
AMERICAN SYSTEMS was awarded the following Domains under the OASIS+ IDIQ:
Management and Advisory Domain includes a full range of management and consulting services that can improve a Federal agency’s performance, its endeavors to meet mission goals, and provide operating advice and assistance on administrative and management issues.
Technical and Engineering Domain includes requirements to provide specific engineering, geoscience, or other technical professional skills, such as those performed by engineers, geologists, geophysicists, and technicians, required to handle specific operating conditions and problems for the benefit of the Government. Work under this Domain typically involves the application of physical laws and principles of engineering in the design; development, and utilization of machines, materials, instruments, processes, and systems; and providing expert advice and assistance on technical functions and issues.
Research and Development Domain includes any requirements in support of Research and Development (R&D) activities. R&D activities may be aimed at achieving either specific or general objectives. The term R&D includes basic research, applied research and experimental development. Services include conducting R&D in the physical, engineering and life sciences, Nanotechnology, Biotechnology and social sciences and humanities.
Contract base period is five (5) years with one (1) option period of five (5) years that may extend the cumulative contract ordering period to 10 years. Task orders can be awarded under OASIS+ any time prior to the expiration of the ordering period of the master contracts.
Total Value (Ceiling): No Program Ceiling for the combined five-year base and 5-year option period
Period of Performance: December 17, 2024 to December 16, 2029, five-year base period with a 5-year option period.
For more information on OASIS+ visit One Acquisition for Integrated Services Plus OASIS+
Contract: 47QRCA25DU017 (PDF)
Carrie Schori - (703) 968-5033
Erin Ballowe - (703) 968-5068
Title: Human Capital and Training Solution (HCaTS)
AMERICAN SYSTEMS awarded the following HCaTS Pools:
Pool 2 - GS02Q16DCR0110 (PDF)
PA0001-GS02Q16DCR0110 (PDF)
Total Value (Ceiling): $11.5B Ceiling for the five-year base with a 5-year option period and one six-month option period for a total of 10.5 years.
Period of Performance: September 2016 to September 2021, with one five-year option from September 2021 to September 2026 and one six month option from September 2026 to March 2027.
Contract Description:
The GSA/OPM HCaTS contract supports OPM's Training and Management Assistance (TMA) program, and provides customized human capital management and training services to all agencies. The HCaTS contracts provide federal agencies with a reliable, flexible, fast and efficient way to obtain best value solutions for their complex human capital and training service requirements.
HCaTS is organized into three Key Service Areas (KSA):
Customized Training and Development Services;
Customized Human Capital Strategy Services; and
Customized Organizational Performance Improvement.
The services are to be both commercial and noncommercial and meet the human capital management and training services needs of all federal agencies, both CONUS and OCONUS.
For more information regarding the HCaTS contract please visit
Corporate HCaTS Program Manager
Carrie Schori - (703) 968-5033
Corporate HCaTS Contract Manager
Erin Ballowe - (703) 968-5068
American Systems DUNS Number - 077799799
GSA Multiple Award Schedule
Title: GSA Multiple Award Schedule
Period of Performance: September 21, 2015 to September 20, 2025; two five-year option periods
Description: The GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS), also known as Federal Supply Schedule, is a long-term governmentwide contract with commercial companies that provide access to millions of commercial products and services at fair and reasonable prices to the government. MAS makes buying easy and efficient with the use of modern technology to connect government buyers and industry.
Special Item Numbers:
54151HACS - Highly Adaptive Cybersecurity Services (HACS)
54151HEAL - Health Information Technology Services
54151S - Information Technology (IT) Professional Services
541519PIV - Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD-12) Product and Service Components
541330ENG - Engineering Services
541380 - Testing Laboratories
541420 - Engineering System Design and Integration Services
541715 - Engineering Research and Development and Strategic Planning
541611 - Management and Financial Consulting, Acquisition and Grants Management Support, and Business Program and Project Management Services
611430 - Professional and Management Development Training
OLM - Order-Level Materials
518210C - Cloud Computing and Cloud Related IT Professional Services
Contract Vehicle Available to: Federal, state, and local governments
For more information regarding the GSA MAS contract please visit
Contract Number: IT000 Contract GS35F500CA Mod PS-A885 (PDF)
IT000 Contract GS35F500CA Mod PS-A887 (PDF)
Program Office
Carrie Schori - (703) 968-5033
Contracts Office
Jeff Greene - (703) 968-5225
Erin Ballowe - (703) 968-5068